Chrome - Set the default mail client to Gmail in Windows 10


Setting default application for email

  • Go to Start and click on the gear icon (Settings) and select Apps:


  • In default apps, select Email and set the default client to Google Chrome




Setting handler for mailto links in Google Chrome 

setting gmail as the default mail client for Mailto links

  • Open Chrome and paste this path into the browser chrome://settings/handlers
  • Go to chrome://settings/handlers and enable “Allow sites for ask to become default handlers for protocols”






  • Setting gmail as default handler: Open your gmail, if you allowed sites to become default handlers in the last step, a double diamond icon will appear in the address bar.



Once you have completed these steps, if you want to test mailto links, here are some test links:

Mailto test links:

  • E-mail 1: a basic e-mail link
  • E-mail 2: an e-mail link that also specifies a subject line
  • E-mail 3: An e-mail link that specifies both a subject and a body
  • E-mail 4: An e-mail link that specifies a CC and a BCC address
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    Dan Cummings

    Hi Tony,

    This is a private community support desk, If you are a parent, teacher or student of Blake School, you can submit a support ticket.  If you found this help article via the web and set up an account, you are welcome to peruse our public articles, but would not be within the scope of support. 

    I wish you luck, and also have this article that might get you on the right track.



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