We have three methods to reach us:
1. Web Tickets: Our team can more effectively respond to your inquiry by submitting a web ticket https://support.blakeschool.org/. Please bookmark the website.
Blake employees and students (Grades 6 - 12) can select the “Sign In” button on the top right of the web page.
Choose the “Sign In with Google” option using their Blake account.
- Lower School Families and students (PreK - 5) can self-register for a Blake Support account. Please note that this service is available to lower school families during prolonged school closure.
- Select the Submit a request link on the top right of the web page
- Select the Submit a request link on the top right of the web page
2. Email: In the event, you cannot submit a web ticket, you can email support@blakeschool.org.
3. Phone: In the event, you cannot email or submit a web ticket:
- We are providing an emergency phone number to leave a voicemail for employees at 952-988-3416.
- We are providing an emergency phone number to leave a voicemail for students at 952-988-3415.
Please be sure you leave your name, phone number, and email address and describe the emergency.