Connect to Blake Guest WiFi Network via Self Registration.

Overview: Blake School uses Cisco Meraki for it's wireless solution. To connect and use BlakeGuest wireless, you will need to be at a Blake Campus, and the location needs to be within range of the school's wireless service range. 


Step 1.  Select the SSID BlakeGuest from the options presented while on campus:


Step 2. Open your web browser on the device, and visit a web page such as

Once you initiate a connection, a browser window will appear, prompting you to either enter credentials or create an account. 

  • Select Create an Account if this is the first time you have registered an account for Blake Guest WiFi Network.


  • Register your name, personal email, and password, and select "Create new account."

Step 3. Select the link "Continue to"

  • Once you create your new account, you will have ten minutes of internet access until you verify the account from your personal email account. 
  • You may be prompted to open another browser tab or web browser depending on your device. 


Step 4. Check your email and click the link to verify your account.

  • You will receive an email from "Cisco Meraki - No Reply" <> with the subject "BlakeGuest - Email Verification." 
  • Once you verify your account, then you will have an account to sign-in on the BlakeGuest, and the sign in portal. 


Step 5. Confirmed Verification.

Once you have clicked on your personalized link in your email inbox, you will receive a message confirming your email has been verified that reads "Thanks for verifying your email." 


Note: With self-registration, you are allotted 10 minutes to access the internet and BlakeGuest WiFi. for this registration.

  • If you have completed this registration process in less than 10 minutes, you will not need to reconnect, but will instead remain connected to BlakeGuest.
  • If you are connecting after 10 minutes, you will need to reconnect to BlakeGuest and enter the credentials that you registered. 

For larger groups or gatherings, each department at Blake has its Guest wireless account that remains active through the school year. 






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