Sign Into Your Blake Zoom Account (Grade 3-12 Students)

Background:  To ensure an additional layer of privacy, middle and upper school students will need to sign into their Blake Zoom account to view a cloud-recording.

I. To Login To Your Account

  1. Go to Blake's Zoom Landing Page, visit
  2. Select the “Sign in” button.
  3. Use the Sign in with Google with your Blake email account.
  4. You may need to sign in using your Gmail username and password

Note: If you have never signed in to your Blake Zoom account before you may be prompted to merge your Zoom account tied to to the Blake domain.  Please select "I Acknowledge and Switch."


Note: If you have not already installed the Zoom application on your school-owned device, then sign into Self Service and download or reinstall the latest Zoom client.  More information on how to install software from Self Service.

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