Zoom uses the system's timezone settings by default. If your timezone is incorrect or was manually changed, here is how to manually update the Time Zone for the application:
Note: You may need to reset the time zone of your computer and then Zooms time zone if you find that Zoom isn't adjusting a meeting's scheduled time to match the time of your location.
- PC users: Click the time on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen to access the Change date and time settings link.
- Mac users:
- Click the "Apple" icon, on the top left of the screen
- Select "System Preferences"
- Select "Date & Time"
- Ensure the checkbox is set for "Set date and time automatically.
Once your computers time zone has been changed you need to login to Zoom and complete the following steps:
- Sign In to Your Blake Zoom Account
- Select the "Profile"
- Scroll down to "Date and Time" and Select the "Edit" button.
- Select (GMT-5:00) Central Time (US and Canada)
- Select the "Save Changes" button