Publish a Virtual Zoom Meeting or Classroom Link (URL) in myBlake (Veracross)

Pre-Requisite: You have already completed Getting Started Checklist to Zoom with Remote Students with One Virtual Classroom Link (HTLP)


Goal: Teachers can supply their own virtual meeting URL right on the Settings tab of their Veracross Class.

Watch: Setting up a Virtual Meeting Link for Classes

Step-by-Step Directions

1. Login to the myBlake Faculty/Staff Portal 

2. Select your Class

3. Select the Settings tabs

4. Ensure that "Display Virtual Meeting on Daily Schedule" is Checked

5. Paste in your virtual meeting URL.  

6. Select the Save Settings button in the top left.

7. Repeat for each class you teach. 


What does the Virtual Meeting link look like in the Student and Faculty/Staff portal?

The daily student schedule with the Virtual Meeting URL displayed.

The daily faculty schedule with the Virtual Meeting URL displayed.



  • The remote learning URLs are displayed in the "daily student/faculty schedule" feature of the student and teacher portals. 


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