Change your microphone and speakers in Zoom (in conjunction with AirPlay/AppleTV)

Goal: Connect your macOS laptop via AirPlay (AppleTV) to the classroom projector and speakers and use your Phonum Bluetooth Speaker as a microphone.  Therefore, your students in the classroom can hear you in the classroom, and your remote students can listen to you via the microphone of your Phonum Bluetooth microphone and speaker.

1. Connect Your Phonum Bluetooth Speaker via Bluetooth, which you can use as a microphone.


2. Connect to the Classroom AppleTV via AirPlay (e.g., HC225 is the name of the AppleTV)

  • Note: If you plan to use the Unite 200 camera on Zoom, be sure you have connected to it via Thunderbolt connection.


3. Open the Zoom App.  Start the Zoom Meeting.

4. Select Join with Computer Audio.  When joining a meeting for the first time, ensure that you click the green “Join with Computer Audio” button below to join your audio to the meeting.

  • Note: You can tick the box in the bottom left of the pop-up window to set Zoom to automatically join your audio each time you join a meeting in the future.)


5. Select the “^” to the right of “Join Audio” to change the Speaker Settings. 
Select the corresponding Speaker Audio (e.g., HC225)


6. Select the “^” to the right of “Join Audio” to change the Microphone Settings.  
Select the corresponding Microphone (e.g., Phonum-###)


7. Share Screen

After you Share Screen, you can select "More" or "..." and Show Video Panel to see your students




Zoom Support: Changing settings in the desktop client or mobile app

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