Resetting Your Username and Password - Managed Apple IDs (MAIDs)

Your Managed Apple ID might include your institution’s name or “appleid." For example, your ID might resemble

Forget Your Password:

  • If you forget your password, submit a support ticket, ISS can issue a temporary password that you can use to access your Managed Apple ID. Then you can create a new password for your account.

Password Requirements for Employees and Students:


  • If you’re a manager, instructor, or other staff member, sign in to or, or sign in to iCloud on your mac or iOS device. You must use a standard password that includes eight or more numbers and letters.
  • Password Complexity for Employees: Your password must be at least 8 characters, include a number, an uppercase letter, and a lowercase letter.
  • Two Step Verification Required for Employees. Either to your personal cell phone (via Text Message) or to your work phone number (via Voice Call).


  • If you’re a student, you might be able to use a six-digit or four-digit password instead. To set this up, sign in on a Shared iPad or log into iCloud on a school device.



About Managed Apple IDs for education -

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