ISS Services (Public)
A Public Forum. Intended for Blake employees, students, faculty emeriti, and families,.
Accounts, Passwords, and Signing In.
Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, and XD.
Canvas LMS
- ★ Forgot My Canvas Password
- ★ How long does it take before a student is enrolled in an Academic course in Canvas?
- ★ Opt-Out of All Canvas Communication
- Accept a Course Invitation (Employees Only and Summer @Blake)
- Add a recurring event to a course Calendar (Employees Only)
- Add a student to my co-curricular course in Canvas (Employees Only) See all 22 articles
Canva Pro for Education
Cisco - Telephones and Voicemail
General Guidelines
Google Apps @Blake: Chrome Web Browser
Google Apps @Blake: Overview
- ★ Google Workspace (Drive, Calendar, Email) Transition Site using Google Transfer Takeout - Migrating Materials from your Blake Account
- Google Brand Account: How to delete
- Google Drive vs Shared Drive
- Why I can't I Change My Password in Google Apps?
- Google Apps Status
- Google Apps @Blake Information Clearinghouse See all 10 articles
Google Apps @Blake: Blogger
Google Apps @Blake: Calendar
- Reserving or Booking an Appointment Slot using Google Calendar
- Google Calendar Notifications and Reminders
- Migrating Google Calendar from a personal account to a Google Apps @Blake Calendar Service
- Share your Google calendar with someone
- What email and calendar protocols are supported for clients?
- How much email storage do I get with Google Apps for Education?
Google Apps @Blake: Contacts
Google Apps @Blake: Drive (Docs, Presentations, and Drawings)
- ★ Google Shared Drives
- Export or Convert a Google Doc to PDF
- Google Drive Sync - Downloading, Installing, & Using
- Table of contents in Google Documents to quickly navigate to a section of your document
- Difference Between My Drive and Shared with Me in Google Drive
- Upload any type of file to Google Docs / Google Drive See all 7 articles
Google Apps @Blake: Forms (Google Drive)
Google Apps @Blake: Gmail (Email)
- ★ Phishing and Social Engineering Emails
- ★ Find an Archived, Unread, Muted, Spam, Deleted (trash) email by Search
- Category Tabs and Labels in Gmail
- Chrome - Set the default mail client to Gmail in Windows 10
- Setting up the Gmail app for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- Email Security Hints & Tips See all 14 articles
Google Apps @Blake: Groups (Conferences & Mail Lists)
- ★ Purpose of PK-12 Info Conference vs. Want-Ads Conference
- ★ An Overview of Google Groups at Blake: 3 Types of Groups (Conference, Mailing List, Collaborative / Internet Inbox)
- Google Group Collaborative Inboxes
- 2023-24 Google Groups
- Manage your subscriptions in Google Groups - Change your email delivery options
Google Apps @Blake: Google Photos
Groups for Administrators
Google Apps @Blake: Sites
Hapara Teacher Dashboard for Google Drive
Hardware Support
Konica & PaperCut Printing, Photocopying and Faxing with Loffler Managed Print Services
- ★ Advanced Konica Minolta Printer Topics
- ★ Print using System Dialogue Tips & Tricks on the Google Chrome and Safari web browsers (macOS)
- ★ Associate Your School ID Badge with a Konica Minolta to Enable FollowMe (PaperCut)
- ★ Contact Loffler for Service or Supplies on an HP LaserJet Printer or Konica MFP Copier
- ★ Copying
- Booklet Printing (Fold & Staple) on the Konica Minolta MFPs See all 27 articles
LANSchool Classroom Management Software: Monitoring, limiting, and reporting internet history on student devices.
LucidChart: web-based diagramming software Online Training Library
Interactive Technology
- ★ Signing in to your SMART Account
- ★ Use a cable to connect to a Projector, TV, or Display (Mac)
- ★ Use AirPlay to connect to a Projector, TV, or Display (Mac)
- ★ How to Screen Mirror (Airplay) what’s on your Mac to a Projector or HDTV
- ★ Connecting to the Revolabs Wireless Microphone System
- How to Setup the Meeting Owl Pro See all 8 articles
Networking and Connectivity
Software Support for Apple iPad (iOS) Devices, Apple School Manager (ASM), Managed Apple IDs (MAID), and Apple Classroom
- ★ Setting up a Managed 1-to-1 iPad for the First Time
- Enable Location Services in iOS / iPad (v.10.3.2)
- Logitech Crayon with iPad Generation 6 (Grade 3)
- Overview: What are Managed Apple IDs (MAIDs)?
- Resetting Your Username and Password - Managed Apple IDs (MAIDs)
- Self Service for the iPad: How to download an iPad App See all 7 articles
Software Support for Mac
- ★ How to Upgrade to MacOS Sonoma
- ★ Update your Apple Mac computer to macOS 12.6.x (Monterey)
- ★ Overview of Backing Up Data on a Mac: Laptop, Photos, and Bookmarks
- ★ Backup Your Home Folder on a Mac Laptop or Desktop
- Backup Your Files to Google Drive - Quick & Easy
- Moving or Backing Up an iBooks Project See all 36 articles