Print From Your School-Owned iOS Device (iPhone or iPad)

Use AirPrint to print from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Learn how to print from your school-owned iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to an AirPrint-enabled printer 

Before you begin

  • Make sure that your iOS device and your printer are connected to the BlakeAcademic Wi-Fi network and you're within range.

Print with AirPrint:

  1. Check to make sure that your school-owned iOS/iPad device is on the Blake Academic WiFi.
  2. Open the app you want to print from.
  3. To find the print option, tap app’s share icon,  or , or tap . If you can’t find the print option, check the app’s User Guide or Help section. Not all apps support AirPrint.
  4. Tap  or Print.

  5. Tap Select Printer and choose an the FollowMe Print Queue
    • FollowMe - Ideal for users at the Hopkins campus for printing (or if you traveling from campus-to-campus)
    • HC FollowMe - Ideal for users at the Wayzata campus (Highcroft) for printing
    • US Follow Me - Ideal for users at the Wayzata campus (Northrop) for printing

  6. Enter Your Blake Academic Username and Password. (Note: You will only need to associate this account for the first time on your 1:1 iPad (iOS) device.
  7. Choose the number of copies or other options, like which pages you want to print.

  8. Tap Print in the upper-right corner.


Print with AirPrint:



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