Share your Google Photos library with a partner

Share your photo library with another person to automatically share photos continuously.

You can only share your photo library with one person at a time.

  1. On your computer, go to On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Photos app 
  2. Sign in with your Google Account.
  3. Click Menu Menuand then Share your library and then Get started.
  4. Enter or select an email address. You can only invite someone with a Google Account.
  5. Select which photos to add to your partner account.
    • Add only some photos: You can filter the photos by faces, or by date.
    • Filter by face group: You can select one or more face groups to share. Photos that match any of the selected face groups will be shared. Learn more about filtering by faces.
    • Filter by date: Any photos whose dates come after the selected date will be shared. Learn more about filtering by date.
  6. Click Next.
  7. If everything looks right, click Send invitation.
  8. Verify your identity and finish set up.
  9. Optional: To see your partner’s photos, ask them to share their library with you after they’ve accepted your invitation.


Accept to share a library

  1. On your computer, go to On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Photos app 
  2. Sign in with the Google Account that was invited.
  3. Click Menu Menuand then ”Invitation from [partner’s name]” and then Accept.
  4. Optional: To share your photo library back with your partner, click Menu Menuand thenShare your library


See your partner’s photos

  1. On your computer, go to On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Photos app .
  2. Click Menu Menu
  3. Select “Partner’s name.”


Remove partner

If you remove your partner, it will stop sharing your library to your partner. It will also stop your partner from sharing their library with you, but it won’t remove any photos that you’ve saved to your Google Photos library.

  1. On your computer, go to On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Photos app 
  2. Sign in with the Google Account that was invited.
  3. Click Menu Menuand then Settings and then Shared libraries and then Remove partner and then Remove


Reference: Share your Google Photos library with a partner

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