How do I block Facebook or other addicting sites on my laptop?

The following can help you self-limit how much time you spend on addicting websites. All the add-ons listed here work differently depending on the browser you use. You will need to experiment for yourself until you design the right combination of features for the browsers or browser you choose. The way each one of these add-ons works changes with versions of the add-on and the browser. Please read the directions for each as you configure for yourself.

Google Chrome - Window -> extensions -> get more extensions -> search store ... "Stay Focused"
Make sure you set it so it only blocks what you enter into the blocked sites. Enter "" and set times and days to all which should be the default and then the max time per day for it to block. Then, set the nuclear option.

Mozilla Firefox - Tool -> Add-ons -> search all add-ons -> LeechBlock
Choose to restart Firefox Set preferences in LeechBlock for every day and all day. Set LeechBlock to block "*" after x minutes out of each hour. You can set it to block you out of making changes while it is active.

Apple Safari - Go to and navigate to productivity tools -> waste no time -> install.  Configure like in chrome but do it from the menu bar, little clock is installed.  If you choose the "block sites now" after you have configured for sites you want blocked, it will not let you make changes until your time is up.

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    ISS Summer Intern

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