On Campus: Connecting to the Mamabear and Papabear, File Servers on Macs

Connecting to Mamabear and Papabear

 Go to the Finder by clicking on the icon in the Dock.

  1. Open the "Go" menu at the top of the screen and choose "Connect to Server."

  2. In the "Server Address" field, type in the hostname or IP address of the server to which you wish to connect. 

    Upper School students/faculty should type in mamabear.blakeschool.org (smb://mamabear.blakeschool.org). Click on the + sign to save.
    Hopkins campus students/faculty should type in papabear.blakeschool.org (smb://papabear.blakeschool.org). Click on the + sign to save. 

  3. Enter a valid username and password when prompted for authentication. You will now be able to access the shared files on the server.

  4. Click the "Connect" button. Your Mac will now attempt to establish a connection to the specified server, and you can select the appropriate file server share.

  5. Your personal file share will contain three folders:
    DropBox: Where students and colleagues can save information to you to review.
    Private: Where you can store files that only you have access to.
    Public: Where you can leave files that anyone can access. 

Note: If you are accessing your file server while off-campus you will need first to establish a VPN connection, then use the Go menu. See: Access your Academic File Server on an Apple Mac Computer

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