Difference Between My Drive and Shared with Me in Google Drive

Watch The Difference Between My Drive and Shared with Me in GoogleKey Points:

  • How to dismiss the banner
  • What is My Drive
  • What is Shared with Me

Google Drive on the web offers several ways to filter and view your files, folders and Google Docs. These filters help you find your files more easily. Here's a list of the filters you'll find in the left-hand navigation:

My Drive
  • Everything in your Google Drive that you’ve created, synced and uploaded. You can automatically sync My Drive to the Google Drive folder on your computer.
Shared with me
  • All of the files, folders and Google Docs that have been shared with you. To sync files in this view, move them to My Drive.
  • The Shared with me filter doesn't include files shared to a mailing list or files set to 'Anyone with the link' or 'Public' (unless the file has been shared directly to your email address).


Google - Help - Drive - Customize how you view files in Google Drive
Molly Schroeder's Tech for Teachers - Google Drive (Permission Granted by Creator)
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