Manage your subscriptions in Google Groups - Change your email delivery options

Description: In Google Groups, your subscription settings determine whether and how you receive email from groups. Global settings let you choose whether to receive notifications and invitations, change your display language, and check your bounce status.


A. Manage your subscriptions in Google Groups

  1. Sign in to Google Groups. 
  2. For the group you want, in the Subscription column, click the Down arrow.
  3. Select from the following:
      • Each email—Messages sent individually as they’re posted to the group.
      • Digest—Up to 25 complete messages combined into single emails and sent daily.
      • Abridged—Summaries of up to 150 messages combined into single emails and sent daily.
      • No email—Messages from the group are not sent. Do not receive email for group posts. Participate in this group through only the web interface.


Please ensure you keep "Each email" selected for PK-12 Info Conference. PK-12 Info is a forum for posting important announcements related to our work at Blake as a PK-12 group of faculty and staff. Participation in PK-12 Info is required by all employees.
One might find the following kinds of announcements here:
  • Accolades and commendations
  • Professional Development Opportunities
  • Job Postings
  • Birth and Death notices for employees/community members
  • All Employee Meeting Reminders
  • Technology Updates - i.e. phones are down Policy Updates & HR/Benefits Info

Note: There is another forum called "Want Ads" that is used for posting items for sale, recommendations for plumbers, etc.

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