
More videos about copying can be found at the link below (changing the color mode, 2-sided copies, stapling, etc.) 


1. Place originals Face Down on glass or Face Up in document feeder

2. Select your desired output of Color or Black copies

3. Select Quantity of copies with the 10-digit keypad

4. Press Start button


Two Sided Copy

1. Place originals Face Down on glass or Face Up in document feeder

2. Select your desired output of Color or Black copies

3. Select Simplex/Duplex (on right side of the touch screen)

4. Select1→1, 1→2, 2→1, or 2→2 under “Simplex/Duplex”

5. Select Quantity of copies with the 10-digit keypad

6. Press Start button


Staple / Sort

1. Place originals Face Down on glass or Face Up in document feeder

2. Select your desired output of Color or Black copies

3. Touch Finishing button (on left side of the touch screen) and choose which staple option you want

4. Select Quantity of copies with the 10-digit keypad

5. Press Start button


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