Add a sub, teaching assistant, designer to my course in Canvas (Employees)

At certain times of the year, you may choose to add a colleague to your course such as during a planned absence or when you want them to marshall resources in class.

Our recommended strategy during a planned absence is simply to:

When you ask a colleague to sub for a class and a teacher has asked you to project their Canvas page, a sub can ask a student in the class to login into Canvas via the "Incognito" window in Chrome (File menu > New Incognito Window). In other words, if teachers list the assignment in Canvas, then it should not require you to be part of the course. Rather the norm should be that students are checking their assignment and/or pages, modules, quizzes, or other interactions based on information listed in the assignment. 

However, on occasion, during a planned absence or when you want to collaborate with a colleague, you may choose to add People into your course.  

Teachers can add a teaching assistant, a substitute teacher, a designer, or co-teacher to their course(s) in Canvas.  Please note when you add a people to your course, it will require the recipient to "Accept the Course Invitation" in Canvas.  

These roles include:

  • Teaching Assistants can access course content.
  • Designers can access course content, create discussions, announcements, assignments, quizzes, and other content filled features. This role is appropriate for instructional designers, instructional coaches, or program managers who work with instructors to design their courses.
  • Teachers can all of the above, plus utilize the gradebook to provide feedback to students.

Watch An Overview of "People" Course Roles in Advisory - Teacher and Designer: 


Based on the Canvas Guides: Step-by-step instructions on how to:

  1. Add a designer to my course.
  2. How do I use the People page as an instructor?


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