Overview of How Assignments and Feedback are Linked in the Gradebook (Employees Only)

Teachers can assign an Assignment to an individual student or course section.  The assignment will show up in the correct grading period of the course.  The assignment is inextricably tied to the Gradebook

 Note: You may want to considering “Muting” an Assignment in the Canvas Gradebook until you ready to provide to students in order to prevent students from getting a real-time update of feedback.  

  Some examples of why you might do so include:

  1. Only the section(s) or student(s) specified in the assignment details can view the assignment. (You can differentiate assignments for different students and sections.)

Watch How to Export and Backup the Gradebook from Canvas 



Step-By-Step Instructions are available on Canvas Instructor Guides see: How do I assign an Assignment to an individual student or course section?




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