Instructor and Student Guide to the Turnitin Canvas LTI Tool

Any assignment in Canvas can be made so that the uploaded document is scanned for plagiarism. As a best practice, create the assignment and attach whatever rubrics you want to use in Canvas for SpeedGrader in Canvas before you publish the assignment to your students into one that will be scanned by TII. TII works to translate to and from Spanish and French too. So sorry Latin!


Finally, the advantage of using TII this way is that you do not need to maintain a separate TII account and you never need to ask students to join a TII class, it all just happens within Canvas by passing along their credentials and displaying the results within the assignment.


Here's a video that shows how to create a Canvas assignment that uses TII:

For a definitive guide on integrating TII with Canvas, see the TII/Canvas Instructor Guide here:
For information about using TII in your Canvas courses, see the TII/Canvas Student Guide here:
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