How to Upgrade to MacOS Sonoma

How to Upgrade to Mac OS Sonoma

Part I: Before You Start the Update.

You can update your computer from home or school. Please keep your computer plugged in, and do not turn it off or close the lid during the 1-4 hour update cycle.

  1. Back up files on your computer to Google Drive. 
  2. Restart your computer. (Doing so will ensure you have quit any open apps and saved your work.) 
  3. Plug your computer into power and leave it on. Doing so will ensure your computer stays on during the upgrade.
  4. Please don't close the screen on your computer, shut down, or restart your computer.
  5. It would be best if you planned for the upgrade to take 45 min. to 4 hours to complete.  

Please click here to see a walkthrough of these steps in the video.


Part II: Starting the Update Process (est. 45 min - 2 hours):

1. A pop-up window will show you that a MacOS Upgrade is required.


2. Choose "Update" to upgrade your Operating System.

  • If you are not ready to Update, please click "Defer". You will be given 4 options. Later, One Hour, One Day, or Custom.
  • (Note: If you use the Custom deferment, know that the latest you can select is March 14th.)

4.  This pop-up will not go away until either "Update" or "Defer" has been selected.


Part III: Utilizing Self-Service: (est. 1-5 min)

1. After you have chosen "Update," the prompt will disappear, and Self-Service will open.

2.  Sign in to Self-Service with your username and password.


3. Once signed in, Sonoma will start to download automatically.


4. A prompt will appear asking for your username and password, and click "Continue." (Use the same one you use to log into your computer.)



Part IV: Downloading Sonoma (est. 10-15 min)

1. Once you've clicked "Continue," a new box will appear saying, "Downloading Mac OS." this can take some time; just let the computer sit, and the progress bar will fill up. 


2. Once the progress bar is complete, the computer will automatically start the Installer to upgrade your computer.


Part V: Installing Sonoma (est. 30-45 min)

1. Wait for the Installer to complete.

2. The progress bar at the bottom will fill up; once it reaches 100%, the computer will restart, and you'll see the Apple logo.

3. Once the computer restarts, you can log in like always. 


Mac OS Upgrade has been completed.



If Sonoma does not install or there are issues during this process, please submit a support ticket.

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