Google Drive for desktop

Google Drive for desktop (formerly Google File Stream) is a new desktop application that allows quick access to all of your Google Drive & Team Drive files on demand directly from your computer. Files remain in the cloud meaning you use almost no local hard drive space and spend less time waiting for files to sync or backup. Follow the directions below to get started.


A: Install Google Drive for desktop 

1. Open Self Service (you can use Spotlight to search for Self Service or find it in the main Applications folder)


2. Log into Self Service using your Academic (gmail) credentials.


3. Once logged in, search for Google Drive for desktop.


4. Click on the Install button to install Google Drive for desktop.


B:  Link Your Account

1. Open the newly installed Google Drive for desktop application. You can use Spotlight to search for Google Drive or find it in the main Applications folder.


2. Sign into Google Drive with your gmail credentials to link your account.


3. Access Google Drive for desktop from the menu icon at the top right of your desktop. Select the Folder icon to see your files. 



C: Work with Google Drive for desktop

1. Upload (backup) Files - you can drag & drop new files directly onto your Google Drive or Team Drive to upload or backup. 


2. Work offline - to make a file available for offline use, first select the file(s) then right-click (control-click) and select Available offline. The menu selection will turn green when the file is available for offline use. Keep in mind this will store a copy of your file on the computer using more hard drive space.


3. Pause syncing - if needed, you can pause syncing at anytime by selecting the Settings (gear) icon from the Google Drive menu icon located at the top right of your menu bar.


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