Print using System Dialogue Tips & Tricks on the Google Chrome and Safari web browsers (macOS)

To enable the full printer features in Google Chrome and Safari web browsers (macOS), such as 1-sided vs. 2-sided, paper tray, stapler, hole punch.

1. Select Print from the File menu in either the Google Chrome or the Safari web browser. Select "Print using system dialogue"


2. Select "Printer Features" located under the "Layout" drop-down menu.


3. To print 1-sided vs. 2-sided, then scroll down the printer features list until you find "Print Type" and select your choice.


4. If the MFP/Copier has a stapler function, then scroll down the printer features list until you find "Staple" and select the checkbox and the location of the staple (e.g., Left Corner).


5. If you want to select the Paper Tray, then scroll down the printer features list until you find "Paper Tray" and select the appropriate tray or Bypass Tray 



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