How to print an 11x17 poster from Canva

Looking to Print an 11x17 poster designed in Canva? Here's how:

  1. Verify the poster was designed in an 11x17 template
    Blake's educational Canva Pro accounts allow you to set a document size when initially creating your poster. If you've created your document in the wrong size, or are unsure what size your document is, you can always check or change this using the 'Resize' button in the top menu. From here you can see or change your document's size by entering a new value, and clicking the 'Copy & Resize' button at the bottom of the dropdown menu. This will preserve your original document, and create a new copy at your specified size.Canva_-_Resize_Document.png
  2. Download your poster
    Once you've verified your document's size (and layout, if using the 'Copy and Resize' method described above) you can download a copy by clicking the 'Share' button in the top right corner, followed by download. Canva defaults to the PNG file type (which is ideal for posters), but if you'd prefer a different file type you can change that here. Click the purple download button at the bottom.
  3. Open your downloaded poster and print
    From here you can open your poster in Preview (Preview is the default document viewer on Mac, most Mac computers will automatically open preview by double clicking the downloaded file) and open the print window by holding the [command] and [p] keys. In the newly opened print widow, verify you have the correct printer selected (USFollowMePrint for upper school students, FollowMePrint for those at the Hopkins campus,) and choose 11x17 as your paper size (NOT 11x17W.) If you do not see the option to select a paper size, click 'Show Details' at the bottom of the print window. Finally, click print!
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  • 0
    Lizz Smoak

    These are instructions on how to print OUTSIDE of Canva, not in Canva

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