Google Brand Account: How to delete

Delete or restore an account

You can only delete a Brand Account if you own it. If you delete the account, all of its content will be removed across all Google services.

If you have an existing Brand account, it will prevent any videos being uploaded from your Blake account until the Brand account is removed. 

Delete an account

Important: If you delete a Google My Business listing, you’ll also delete any Brand Accounts that you've connected to it.

  1. On your computer, open a web browser, like Chrome or Safari.
  2. Go to the Brand Accounts section of your Google Account.mceclip0.png
  3. Choose the account you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete account.
  5. Enter your password.
  6. Read the information carefully and agree to the terms.
  7. Click Delete account.


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  • 0
    Dan Cummings

    For users who have not deleted their Google Brand Accounts, they will not be able to post YouTube videos until the Brand account associated with their Blake account is Deleted. 


  • 0
    Dipankar Saha ok


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